
Welcome to my monthly Artblog which features tips and observations about the painting process and art in general, photographs as well as poetry. The blog is dedicated to my teachers and mentors. Their expertise, encouragement, trust and honest critique have guided me, and continue to inspire me through the meanders of the painting process.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Valentine's Day Poem

Dedicated to artists and friends of the arts.

V’s Day

I do not care for Valentine’s Day

A consumer culture’s celebration

What about the many lonely people

They’ll gladly do without it

And if you have lived for a while

Of course you know what I mean

Yes it is Valentine’s Day big deal

I could chose to ignore it again

Like last year despite Chet Baker

Or write a perfunctory silly

Red hearted card with a printed

Make believe love message

The one I will not give to you

This day no more or less ordinary

No day ordinary when you are in it

So I tell you today and tomorrow

Here is to you and to your art

Your unrestraint impish smile

Your quick frown your intent drive

Your attentiveness your tenderness

Your tough guy surface your colors

Your patience and your impatience

Your shamelessness your humility

Your strength your contradictions

Your reliance your inconsistencies

Your naughty vocabulary your gallantry

Your jazz sophistication and gipsy passion

Your surprises your predictabilities

Your guidance and your inquiries

Your strong profile your chiseled body

Your sensitiveness your wisdom

Your playfulness and serious veneer

Your expediency and your slow motion

Your maturity and your boyishness

Your virility your seductive charisma

So here is to you today and ahead

Happy Valentine’s Day 2008
Yvette Isabelle Stenzel

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