
Welcome to my monthly Artblog which features tips and observations about the painting process and art in general, photographs as well as poetry. The blog is dedicated to my teachers and mentors. Their expertise, encouragement, trust and honest critique have guided me, and continue to inspire me through the meanders of the painting process.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 Painting Resolutions

2008 Painting Resolutions

Who says one won’t stick to resolutions? As long as they are reasonable it is up to you! Here is a list I wish to share:

Do something art related every day. This does not need to take much time! It could be as easy as paging through an art book while waiting for the tea water to boil. Keep a little sketch book handy where ever you are.

As you plan your week schedule some time to paint.

Tidy up your studio or work space on a regular basis. Too much clutter clutters the mind!

Go on a solo “art date” at least once a month. Take yourself to an art museum, a quiet ride to the country or treat yourself to a decadent cappuccino served in real china. Nurture your senses!

Treat your art supplies with care. Clean your brushes well, recycle your canvasses when appropriate and take inventory of your painting tubes regularly.

Join art associations and take at least one class.

When painting in groups or in a class exercise compassion towards your fellow painters. Unless you are truly an expert art critic, refrain from singling someone out with either your hyperbolic praise or with your uncensored disapproval. And please do not undermine your teacher’s expertise. If you do not like his or her style and approach choose another teacher!

Participate in as many events and exhibitions as possible. OK, you’ll get rejected at times…GET OVER IT!

Reward yourself periodically with an “art toy” like a tube of paint in an exotic color or a special brush.

Cary at all times a travel size digital camera. AND USE IT!

Recommended reading: Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way.
Yvette Stenzel, January 2008

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