
Welcome to my monthly Artblog which features tips and observations about the painting process and art in general, photographs as well as poetry. The blog is dedicated to my teachers and mentors. Their expertise, encouragement, trust and honest critique have guided me, and continue to inspire me through the meanders of the painting process.

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Graduation Time

Graduation Time June 2008

You have enjoyed being in the same class for a while and may continue enrolling. It has become a part of your routine and expectations. However, there may come a time when it is practical to acknowledge that you’ll need to move on.

It might be time for you to graduate when you experience any of the following signals:

You find yourself criticizing the teacher or other fellow painters on a regular basis.

You too often feel like imitating the teacher or others in class.

You spend your time socializing more than painting.

You habitually forget some art supplies or come late to class.

You are done before class is over most of the time.

You feel discouraged most of the time.

You get quickly offended by feedback or suggestions.

You feel envious when others get positive feedback.

You are using class as a form of therapy and find yourself indiscriminately disclosing

your private life.

You find yourself going to class because you have nothing else to do.

You feel the teacher habitually does not understand you or lets you express yourself.

As positive an experience as taking a class may have been, there inevitably comes a time to let go and move on

It will be good for you as well as for anyone else in class.

Yvette Stenzel

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